Archive | January, 2014

A Pie for Pam

23 Jan


During my “pie a day giveaway” year, I didn’t always know where each pie would wind up at the end of the day.  Of course, sometimes I did begin the day with a particular person in mind.  Most often, that was because a friend or relative was having a birthday.

However, what happened much of the time was that I began the process of making a pie without anyone in mind.  Then, somehow, a name or face would pop in my head, and I just “knew” where that pie would be going.

Now there were days that my intuition was off.  Occasionally I would find that the intended “pie” person was not home when I arrived at their door (or business) and then I would have to go to Plan B.   And surprisingly, the second person that I selected was in fact the person I needed to give the pie to after all… but I just hadn’t known it.

Well, yesterday I wanted to make a pie and immediately my friend Pam’s name came to mind.   Then the idea of an Apple Blueberry pie followed and I was off on a mission.  In about thirty minutes I had a crust prepared, sliced apples and blueberries tossed with sugar and flour and slipped into that crust, and a crumb crust pressed on top.  Before long a delicious aroma was wafting through the house.

After the pie was baked I placed it in a basket and drove to Pam’s workplace. One of Pam’s coworker’s was not sure that she was not in, but another knew just where to find her and brought her to me.  The smile on Pam’s face when she saw me with the pie was priceless, but what was even more amazing were the words that she said to me, “You have an uncanny ability to know when someone needs a random act of kindness.”

Pam, I wish I could say that that was true, but that would be a lie.   Instead, what I can say is how wonderful it feels (and how very grateful I am) for the times when I have picked up on a message from the universe and it turns out this well.

P1000222“We think too much and feel too little.  More than machinery, we need humanity.  More than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness.”           Charlie Chaplin

Leaving for the Peace Corps

20 Jan

P1000213 Not long ago I received an invitation to a going away party.  The invitation came from my friend Karen and stated that she was hosting a party for her daughter, Mariah, and son-in-law, Collin, who were leaving to take a position with the Peace Corps.   In fact, in a few weeks, Mariah and Collin will be leaving for Zambia! It’s been a few years since I have seen Mariah, but back when my kids were small, she used to babysit for me when I had a meeting to attend or an errand to run.  Mariah was more like a big sister to the kids and since she has beautiful red hair, just like my daughter,  she would often be asked if they were sisters. (And Mariah knows that when she is in Zambia that red hair will surely create a stir!) Curious as to what the next two years will be like for Mariah and Collin,  I did a little research and found a few articles that offered some insight.  This one listed five reasons NOT to join the Peace Corps, one of which is “to build my resume.” Clearly this is not a good reason (there are easier ways to do that) and using this as a mantra won’t get you through the tough times.  Then I found this YouTube video by Carrie Pavlik (who was in the Peace Corps 2007-2009) that shows the beauty of Zambia but also demonstrates just how much work is involved in doing the everyday things that we in America take for granted (getting water, cooking, taking a shower, etc). Mariah and Collin are excited that they are going to put their skills (both of them are fisheries experts) to work to help people in a country that is thousands of miles away. Yesterday was the bon voyage party for Mariah and Collin, and even though I knew I would be late in arriving if I baked a pie before going, I just had to do it.  I wanted to say with that pie that I am so proud to know them, that I admire what they are doing, and to wish them all the best on their grand adventure! P1000216 If you are interested in learning more about their journey, you can follow them on their blog: “The Peace Corps is guilty of enthusiasm and a crusading spirit.  But we’re not apologetic about it.”  Sargent Shriver “You are educated. Your certification is in your degree. You may think of it as the ticket to the good life. Let me ask you to think of an alternative. Think of it as your ticket to change the world.”  Tom Brokaw  

Thank you, Nurse Kathleen!

9 Jan

Kathleen's pie

This past week my Dad fell twice.  Both falls occurred during the wee hours of the morning and thankfully my Dad did not suffer any injuries… but of course that does not mean that I wasn’t worried about him.  Immediately I began wondering what was causing him to fall and what could be done to prevent him from falling in the future.

When I asked Dad what he thought was going on, he really didn’t know.  That might also be a part of the problem.  When Dad awakes, he “thinks” he is fine and so he tries to get up (maybe before he is really awake or before his body is ready) and then tumbles to the floor.   To make matters worse, Dad chooses not to call the med-tech on duty because he “doesn’t want to bother” anyone and so he remains on the floor for an hour or more.

Fortunately I found that I was not alone in my concern.    A few days ago I received a call from the staff nurse at the facility where my Dad is staying and she asked if we could talk.  Since I was about to bring my Dad back to the facility, I agreed to meet with her.  When Dad and I sat with Kathleen I was impressed with the caring way that she spoke to my Dad and how she shared real concern for his safety.  She was able to do so in such a way that captured his attention in ways that I as his daughter cannot.

We agreed to ask Dad’s doctor to look into adjusting Dad’s medications and also encouraged Dad to consider calling for help before he gets up in the night… at least for a week or two.  When I finally left the facility to go back home, I felt a great sense of relief because I had found an ally on this journey.  This is not to say that the rest of the staff is lacking; that is not true at all.  But after talking with Kathleen I felt that someone understood my Dad, had a connection with him, and was looking out for him.  That means a lot to me and so yesterday afternoon I stopped by Kathleen’s office with an Apple Pie to thank her.   It’s so very nice to know that I have her on my team.



“It is not how much you do but how much love you put in the doing.”  Mother Teresa





Wishing you all the Happiest of New Years!

2 Jan


With the new year beginning, a number of thoughts have been spinning around in my head.

Several were sparked by a Christmas greeting from my friend Tim.  In his card Tim included a copy of the poem, Desiderata, by Max Ehrmann.  This poem was written in 1927 but did not become popular until the mid-1960’s.  It’s a beautiful poem that many have chosen to use as a guide to living a good life.   While the entire poem is indeed wonderful, following are a few lines of that poem that I especially like .

If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

And from the last paragraph, these words:

Be at peace with God…. keep peace with your soul… strive to be happy.

Simple words but packed with intelligence and gentle encouragement!

Another stream of thought was inspired by a song that I recently heard and loved when I was a teenager.  It is by the duo Seals and Crofts, from their album, Diamond Girl, and is titled, “We May Never Pass This Way Again.”   The song has special meaning for me for I knew at a young age how fleeting life could be.  One of my favorite phrases is this one:

I wanna laugh while the laughin’ is easy. I wanna cry if it makes it worthwhile. We may never pass this way again, that’s why I want it with you. ‘Cause, you make me feel like I’m more than a friend. Like I’m the journey and you’re the journey’s end. We may never pass this way again, that’s why I want it with you.

Then there were Woody Guthrie’s “New Years Rulin’s” that I saw posted offering delightful suggestions/resolutions for the New Year.  Among my favorites, #5 Take Bath, #15 Learn People Better, #19 Keep Hoping Machine Running, and #31 Love Everybody. These works seem to offer sage advice for the new year and anytime for that matter.  Something along the lines of this:  Be a good person.  Try to be happy.  Spend time with people you love… and let them know that you love them.


On New Year’s Eve morning I called a friend who’d I had heard was sick and learned that she is getting better…. but still is facing challenges.  And while we did not have time for a real visit, I was able to bring her a quiche… filled with love and good wishes for the year to come.  And I extend those same wishes to you all.  Happy 2014!


“May Light always surround you;
Hope kindle and rebound you.
May your Hurts turn to Healing;
Your Heart embrace Feeling.
May Wounds become Wisdom;
Every Kindness a Prism.
May Laughter infect you;
Your Passion resurrect you.
May Goodness inspire
your Deepest Desires.
Through all that you Reach For,
May your arms Never Tire.”
― D. Simone